
Working holiday visa, as the most popular option from International Experience Canada (IEC) prgram offers a great opportunity for young people interested in working and traveling in Canada, improving English and gaining foreign experience. These visa is avaiable for citizens of 34 seleted countries and they are limited by an annual quota and are awarded on the basis of random invitations.

If you are among those lucky selected and you get a visa, you will be able to travel and work in Canada for 12 months from entering.

What are the conditions for obtaining them?

  • Age between 18 and 30/35 at the time of the application (depending on your country of citizenship)
  • Sufficient Funds for stay in Canada - minimum 2,500 CAD
  • Health insurance valid for the entire duration of the stay
  • Meeting the requirement of good character and health
  • Not to be accompanied by family members (partner, child)

The visa application is submitted online but only after the invitation is received. Each country has speific amount of places for working holiday visas as well as different dates of the first invitation round. The number of inviations and available places is regularly updated until the final round of the invitations is announced. You can find all this information on the oficial website after entering your country.

The application itself consists of two steps:

  1. Registering your IEC profile on the MyCIC website. After entering your basic data and assessing whether you are eligible, you will be included in the "pool" of candidates and will be waiting for the next round of invitations.

When you get the invitation, you have 10 days to confirm or reject it.

  1. After confirming your invitation, you will be assessed against requirements for this visa. At this stage, the visa fee of CAD 253.00 is also payable.

The Embassy has up to 8 weeks for processing and you may be invited you to provide further documents within this time. Upon approval, you will receive a Letter of Introduction that allows you to travel to Canada within 12 months of its issue. However, when you enter the country, you must replace it with the Work Permit, which will be valid for one year from entering Canada, allowing you to travel and work full time.

In case of any doubt please do not hesitate to contact us!