
In addition to your taxes, the employer also has to pay your Superannuation in case that your monthly salary is more than AUD 450. Currently, the minimum pension contribution is set at 9.5% of the wage, with most employers paying for it extra.

There are several superannuation funds to choose from, in most cases the employer will open one for you. It is always good to be informed which fund you have opened. If you are working for a number of employers it is better if they use the same supperannution fund for easier tracking.

You can also get the information about your superannuation fund online using your TFN at ATO.

You can request a refund of the money from this fund after the return to your home country and the expiry of your visa. The most effective way is to apply directly through the superannuation fund, where you can request the required form before leaving the country and then fill it out and send back by mail together with all the necessary documents.