OnBoard Study & Migration is a professional migration and education agency providing expert advice and individual approach to each client. Our work is based on many years of experience in the industry, competence and our commitment to transparency, ethics and the highest level of customer service. In Onboard Study division we are dedicated to facilitate study programs in countries such as Canada, Austrália and New Zealand,which we have experience with as students, workers and travellers.
You can use our study services with NO CHARGE as we are being paid directly by the schools and therefore can help you to pursue your dream with no extra cost.
Do not hesitate to CONTACT US for more information. We look forward to working together and assisting you with your next adventure!
Land Down Under is a popular destination for the students and travellers from all over the world. Whether you are interested in a short English course or a long-term bachelor degree, we will be happy to advise you and help you to arrange a whole stay.
OnBoard Study Australia offers free advice and student counselling to students from all parts of the world via our Australian and international offices. Our services include academic course selection, visa processing, help finding jobs, migration services, accommodation and general welfare.
If you didn't find an answer to your question or would like to arrange a personal consultation, feel free to contact us through the form or via email.