
You can find loads of tips on how to buy the cheapest flight tickets online, so we are to help and summarize how to save some money on your next flight.

When to buy?

  • a while ago the rule was "sooner the better", but according to the recent statistics, the best time to buy the flight is about 3 to 4 months before the planned trip
  • "First Moment" or "Last Minute" deals, which we often use when booking the vacation don't really apply to flights
  • some websites still point out that Tuesday is the best day to buy a ticket as airlines adjust their prices or come up with promotions on this day. This doesn't has to be unnecessery the truth.

When to fly?

  • Firstly, it is important to be flexible with the departure and looking up the prices within one week.
  • The most ideal departure days are usually Tuesday or Wednesday, while the most expensive tickets are for a weekend starting Friday already.

Where to look

  • In addition to airline websites or airline ticket agencies, it is very useful to track apps like SkyScanner or Hopper that will show you different flights/airlines ticket prices
  • Google Flights is a very useful service too that also often shows suggestions when a ticket is cheaper or to which city closeby is better to fly to.

We believe that these tips will be helpful and of course we will be happy to assist you to find the right flight ticket towards your dreams!