
Jb positions in New Zealand are really diverse. Some students can find work in the office or hospitality industry while seasonal workers coming to the country on Working Holiday visas are lmight be more succesfull with job positions in hotel resorts or farms outside of the larger cities.

New Zealand students can oficially work 20 hours per week and only if they attend Category 1 schools. If you are not sure whether your selected school meets this requirement, just contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

It is important to know how and where to look for a job and what do you need to successfully handle the job interview.

What to Prepare

In order to work in New Zealand or to start searching for a job in general, you will need few things:

  • Resume - We recommend preparing it before departure and if you need any help just let us know
  • Inland Revenue Department number (IRD) - what is tax related number and you can apply for it immediately after arrival. Although you can work without it, we dont recommend that as you will pay almost 50% taxes in that case.
  • New Zealand bank account - needed when applying for IRD already
  • Know (at least partially) how the Taxation System in New Zealand works

Where and how to search

There are several ways to find a job in New Zealand:

  • Friends - have your eyes and ears open and don't be shy to ask for a job in your surroundings (at school, at the party, on the beach, at the accommodation ..)

  • Facebook and other social media - you will find many job offers here, especially in the various facebook groups dedicated to international travellers

  • The street - by literally walking and distributing resumes. This method is very effective especially for work in hospitality as many cafes and restaurants do not officially publish the job position.

  • Websites

  • Job agencies