
Every country is different and so is the need and format of the Resume. If you need any help to adjust your CV (other word for Resume) to the country's specifics, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help!

Few ideas for effective Resume:

  • Resume that you distribute around the bars, coffee shops or restaurants should ideally be no longer than one page - brief and clear
  • Create different versions of your Resume if necessary - always highlight the experience and skills that are important for the position you are applying for
  • Do not forget to mention your availability so that the employer knows which days you can work
  • There is no need to put your home address or phone number, use only your Australian contact information
  • If you work in the hospitality sector, also mention course you have taken such as RSA, RCG (Australia) or Serving it Right (Canada) or White Card for construction work in Australia)
  • Recommendations from previous employers could be also very helpful
  • When distributing Resumes, keep in mind that the first impression is the most important and try to ask for the manager to whom you can pass your resume.
  • Choose a good time - when restaurants and cafes are too busy with customers (like lunch or dinner time), they will not be able to dedicate time to you and your CV may end up in the wrong place