
Language Courses are recommended for those who are not too sure of their English skills or would like to improve their speaking or prepare for one of the official exams such as IELTS or Cambridge.

  • Courses suitable for all language levels ranging from beginners to advanced
  • Variable course length
  • When combined with a college course, there is a possibility of longer holiday breaks between courses (depending on the length of the language course) and thus the possibility of full-time work during this period
  • The classes usually take place 5 days a week in the morning, a total of 20-25 hours/ week, depending on the intensity of the chosen course
  • Attendance is tracked and the minimum requirement is 80%
  • After completing the course, you will receive a certificate with information about the course duration, your attendance and the level achieved.
  • Students have the choice of different focus of the language course, and most schools allow them to change this even during their studies.

General English

English language classes suitable for any levels from beginner to advanced. Classes are in the form of games or role plays (especially at lower language levels) and focus on four main parts of the language, such as writing, reading, speaking and listening. Most schools have a choice of optional subjects within the course where students can concentrate on that aspect of the language that they need to improve most, for example conversation or writing.

To start general Engloish courses is possible almost every week, but some schools have their main start date every 4 weeks. The first day at school, so-called "Orientation", is important for students to attend and get to know the environment, peers and school rules. As part of this day, students are also taking an entry test, after which they will be placed in a particular class based on their English level.

Academic English / English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

This type of course is particularly suitable for students planning to study at colleges or universities. The study is focused on the academic aspect of the language and it will also prepare you for one of the official certificates if needed. Schools have often direct contracts with universities and therefore upon reaching the required EAP level, you can be directly admitted to a selected school without having to make further tests.

Business English

This course prepares students mostly for oral or written business communication. It is chosen by students of economic directions who want to improve vocabulary in this area. Courses focus on special terminology in oral expression as well as technology for writing business letters and documents.

IELTS Preparation

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an internationally recognized test often required for admission to the University not only in Australia, but also in countries such as New Zealand, the United Kingdom or Canada. You will also need to undergo this exam in case you want to apply for another, more permanent type of visa in the future. The test consists of four basic parts - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, where each part is evaluated separately, but also gets you the overall score.

The rating scale is 1-9, where 9 represents the maximum control of the English language. For better orientation - the required admission score at the University is usually 6.0 - 6.5.

Courses usually start every Monday, similarly as General English, or you might need to wait for the main start which some schools have only once a month. The test is not taken as part of the class but you need to sign up for it individually depending on where you are located. You can find more about this test on the official website IELTS.

Cambridge Preparation (PET, FCE, CAE, CPE)

These are internationally recognized exams with unlimited validity required by some schools and universities, especially in Europe. This certificate is suitable for students with different levels of English as they can choose from several different exams:

PET (Preliminary English Test) - basic level of English

FCE (First Certificate in English) - certificate at intermediate level of English

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) Advanced English

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) - the highest level of English skills

Courses are mostly taken in 10 or 12 weeks intervals, and there are also set start dates by each school. Students are signing up for the test either individually or, in many cases, with the help of the school as it is a part of their offered services. More about Cambridge Tests can be found on their Official Site.

Courses for Teachers of English (TESOL, CELTA ..)

Short-term courses (4-12 weeks) are offered for everyone who is planning to teach English abroad. The requirement is to have a sufficient level of English at the start of the course.

To select a specific school, simply contact us and we will be happy to help :)