
Working holiday visa allows you to work and travel in New Zealand for 12 months. Visas are limited depending on the country of your origin. You can check all the limitations and visa requirements on the Official Website of New Zealand Immigration.

Visa conditions slightly vary country to country, here is the example of the conditions for citizens of Slovakia:

  • Age between 18 and 35 at the time of application
  • Funds - minimum NZ 4,200 to live on while in New Zealand plus enough money to pay for the flight ticket out of New Zealand
  • Health insurance valid for the entire length of the stay
  • Meet character and health requirements
  • You must not be accompanied by your child

The visa application is submitted online, and the visa fee is NZ 208. You must come to New Zealand within 12 months of the date your visa is granted. You can work in any employment you like, as long as you don’t work for more than 6 months for any one employer and you don’t work for more than 12 months in total.

If you work 3 months as a seasonal farm worker during your working holiday visa, you can apply for a 3-month visa extension - Working Holiday Extension Work Visa. This needs to be submitted by paper and the fee is the same as for WH visa.